Monday, March 9, 2015

House Hunting: The Stairmaster Condo

Another option we checked out was a condo development in the Rockville area. The condo was 2 bedrooms and 3 baths, at 1,331 square feet.

This condo ranked as one of the furthest from downtown DC, but it was a really nice community in a charming neighborhood, so it was worth checking out. The only significant downside is all the units we saw in this development were the top units of stacked townhouses, so in order to enter the unit (or, bring your groceries/babies/pets in), it means climbing up two floors.

The Pros:
  • Great neighborhood
  • Loads of natural light
  • Fireplace to keep toasty in the winter
  • Nice condo amenities, like the pool
  • Nice, safe neighborhood
  • Good school district for resale value

The Cons:
  • Right at the top of our budget -- so no money to make any cosmetic changes
  • It's a stairmaster condo -- you have to walk up two floors just to get in
  • Over three miles from the metro, so if you come home late at night after the buses stop running, you'd have to Uber it
  • The metro stop is across a busy road, Interstate 270, so it would be a difficult bike ride
  • Two bedrooms, not three
  • Far away from downtown DC

Here, the dealbreaker were those stairs. We just couldn't imagine lugging our groceries and walking the dog up to the third floor on a regular basis. What if you rolled your ankle? On top of that, this condo sat at the top of our budget, and had a pretty significant condo fee at $370 per month.


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