Sunday, July 19, 2015

Construction Progress: Week 5.5

The framing continues apace for the Picasso unit that sits on top of the Matisse! Our PM thinks framing for the roof will be done by the middle of the next week, and then shingling and the gypcrete barrier between the two units will start. I notice the windows are still missing from the second floor, so I'm going to email the PM and make sure they're going to get cut out at some point.

I also noticed a few items with the framing that concern me (pictures below). I don't really know if they're temporary issues that will be resolved later, or if they're things that should genuinely concern me – our lack of construction knowledge is one reason we're really firm about doing an inspection at the pre-drywall stage.

Brace yourself, this is a picture heavy update. (Just imagine the Sean Bean meme for me.)

View from living room into kitchen area. The half wall is where the counter area will be. Look how much natural light there is!

View from the master bedroom.

The master bathroom framed out on the left, and one of the walk-in closets on the right.

Shared wall between Matisse units. I'm not sure why a stud appears to be missing in the middle.

View of the master bedroom

Door from the one car garage into the kitchen area.

View from the back of the unit.

I mentioned earlier that there were some things I noticed that concerned me. First, there's a gap in the particleboard in the kitchen area, the center picture – it's hard to see, but the wood above the frame is damaged, and you can see light from the outside plain as day. That seems like it would really impact the energy efficiency. Then, there are some sorry looking posts nailed to either corner of what will eventually be the living room area – I'm hoping they're just temporary supports?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Construction Progress: Week 5

Forget the whole second floor, y'all – I would like to draw your attention to those BLUE SKIES. We've had almost forty days and forty nights of rain here in DC, so it's so nice to see the sun! And also $200+ is too steep to see Taylor Swift at Nats Park, so instead you get house pictures.

They've cut out most of the windows, although there are a couple on the exterior side wall that are currently missing, so that's a little odd. (One of the nice perks of the end units is we get five extra windows, which is pretty awesome.) I guess maybe they need to ensure structural support before cutting out the bigger windows.

Since the Matisse in our development is part of a stacked townhouse, the next step is building out the Picasso model that sits on top.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Construction Progress: Week 3.75

Concrete poured in the floor area on top of the vapor barrier and ready for framing this coming week.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Construction Progress: Week 3

Holy jeez, where does time go? I feel like I blinked and June vanished.

We are keeping an ear to the ground for holiday sales. Generally speaking, we don't have a ton of room to store stuff, so we have to be a little selective what we shop for, but we did pick up this Schlage keypad deadbolt because it was an Amazon deal of the day for about 67% off. We'll do a review once we've actually moved in, but I love the idea of not having to worry about keys when we take the dog for a walk, or when family's visiting. It's also Consumer Report's #1 pick.

Here's progress from the third week of construction. It's been raining a lot recently, way more than usual, so I expect that's probably slowed down construction some. I have no idea what that brown tarp looking thing is. But hey, progress!